Monday, February 4, 2013


One hundred and thirty students from 29 countries. Only 1 genuine South African. Viva!
I huge tent set up opposite the dining tent we had in 2011. About quarter the size of the one we used next to MataGanga in 2011, but still huge never the less.
My alarm is set for 03h15. Yes, that's 3.15 in the middle of the night. Ouch.
We begin at 4am in the tent with Sadhana ( 30min light yoga, followed by a sung prayer for about 40min followed by several chants and mudhras, about 1.5 hours.) 2.5 hours all together.
Yesterday I actually stayed awake all through Sadhana, this morning I tumbled over near the end into a divine sleep for 10 min. The Guru's maintain that if you show up for Sadhana and sleep on your mat, it's better than not showing up at all. I'll go with that one.

At 7am it's breakfast time. The food is pretty amazing. Cooked to perfection by 2 Aryuvedic specialists, and while it's not really my style of food, I appreciate
the cleanliness and good balance. And the fact that I don't have to stand in the kitchen making it.

After breakfast we have class, either yoga or philosophy type discussion. I'll say more about Gurmukhs yoga soon. So stunning. 
Afternoon classes go on till 5.30 and dinner is at 6. 
Pretty full on!

I have problems getting onto the Internet here. The wifi provided just doesn't work so I have to plan something else. 

Hope to share more later today. So many incredible stories. Will put pics on Face Book since I still can't sort out how to put them on the blog
Sat Nam

Mel Miller `

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